Wednesday 26 December 2007

Breakout Author for 2007

For the past two years, and I'm not sure how this started, I've ended up picking the best (new to me) author of the year. Which for some reason best known to myself I dubbed the Breakout author.

In 2005 it was Elizabeth Vaughan for Warprize and J.R. Ward for Dark Lover.

In 2006 it was Nalini Singh for Slave to Sensation.

These are authors that caught my imagination and pulled me into the world they created. They wrote books that I didn't want to end, and left me desperate to read more.

So for 2007 it's Ilona Andrews for Magic Bites.

At least up until December. When I was lucky enough to read two new authors Jennifer Rardin and Jeri Smith-Ready who just brought a smile to my face and a tear to my eye, with their books Once Bitten, Twice Shy and Eyes of Crow.

Breakout authors for 2007 - Ilona Andrews, Jennifer Rardin and Jeri Smith-Ready.

Are there any new authors that anyone else wants to recommend? Either new to you, or first time published.


Brie said...

For 2007 I would have to go with C.L. Wilson. Her first two books, Lord of the Fading Lands and Lady of Light and Shadows, were so very awesome. Her writing is just wonderful and the world that she has created is enchanting.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree about Ilona Andrews, she was such a surprise. I even wrote to thank her because I enjoyed her characters so much and am eager to read more. Unfortunately, I've picked up a number of wallbangers lately, so will try the others you've recommended in the hopes of striking gold. I wish something would hit me the way Dark Lover did, just so out of the blue.

LesleyW said...

Brie - I've put LOTFL on my wishlist, then off my wishlist, then on again. I think at the moment it's off. I might have to put it back on again.

Darlynne - I agree that books like Dark Lover don't come round very often. And Magic Bites was definitely my favourite book of the year.

Ilona said...



:drags herself under the bed:

:waves with one paw from under the bed:

Thank you!!!


I feel like I should do something... I know, Leslie, do you want a loose leaf galley for Magic Burns?

Ilona said...

I meant Lesley. I apparently have difficulty typing today. My apologies. In my defense, I'm high on Nyquil.

Anonymous said...

Lesley you know from my previous posts on your blog that I whole heartedly agree with your choice of Ilona Andrews for the breakout author of 2007. Magic Bites was just an awesome book. It really has it all.

Darlynne I also had to write to the author to let her know how much I enjoyed it. Its just that kind of a book. I'm soo glad that there will be more to follow in the series.

Lesley if you don't want the galley I'll gladly take it ;)

LesleyW said...

Ilona -I'll try not to bite your hand off at the wrist, as I say yes I would love a galley of Magic Burns.

Sweet - Sorry. ;)

Ilona said...

Lesley, please email me a mailing address to ilona at ilonaland dot kom :P

Warning: the galleys have not been proofread.

Naomi said...

Eyes of Crow - FANTASTIC! I haven't read a book that touched me so deeply emotionally since Kushiel's Avatar. Just brilliant.