Wednesday 29 September 2010

Jennifer Rardin

I'm shocked and saddened to have found out that Jennifer Rardin passed away last week.

I'm not on Twitter and I tend not to surf the internet as much as I used to. So I guess I'm about a week behind compared to everyone else.

The Jaz and Vayl series is one that I've been following. To read my reviews of the first four books of the series you should be able to click on the Jaz and Vayl link in the sidebar. After my first review I received an e-mail from Jennifer to thank me for reading her book. I'm always surprised to receive an e-mail from an author and she commented that she was glad I picked up her book even if the cover was white. (I think I commented around that time about the majority of Urban Fantasy covers being black).

I'm including a link here to Renee's blog. Several blogs are posting tributes to Jennifer and are giving away copies of her books - all details are available on Renee's blog. If you've never read the Jaz and Vayl series I recommend it - well you can read my reviews to find out what I think in more detail.

Renee's Book Addiction - Thank you Ms. Rardin

The final book in the Jaz and Vayl series will be published next year.


Chris said...

I haven't read any of her books, although I do own several...

Jenre said...

I was sad to hear about this too, Leslie. I've read the first 5 of her books so far, and have been meaning to get the 6th book for a while but wanted to save it until I had time to spend on it!

Vayl is one of the best vampire characters in UF and Jaz is my favourite UF heroine, along with Elena Michaels. She's one of the few 'kick ass' UF heroines who doesn't irritate me.

I read on the website that the Jaz Parks series was finished just before Jennifer's death, so I have books 7 & 8 to look forward to, even if I will be reading them with a touch of sadness.

LesleyW said...

Chris - I recommend them. Jaz is a somewhat snarky heroine but her heart is in the right place.

Jenre - I'm also glad I will be able to finish the series, but as you said it will be with a sense of sadness.