Saturday, 1 September 2007

Resolution for September

In an effort to get through some of the books on my TBR pile I'm not going to buy any books in September. :shock: I can feel withdrawal starting now.

(This of course doesn't include Caressed by Ice and Lover Unbound which were pre-ordered months ago.) Hey, you didn't expect me to get through September without getting my hands on them.

I'm going to see if I can hold out for the thirty days. I anticipate - 1) turning into a raving lunatic well before the end of the month, 2) that I'll crack and go on a mad book buying frenzy around the 20th and/or 3) come the first of October I'll be putting the most enormous order into Amazon as I sink gratefull back into my habit.

If it gets to the point where I'm snapping at friends and family 'cause I haven't had a brown parcel fix. Then of course I reserve the right to fall off the wagon. :)

Today is Day 1.


Anonymous said...

lol is that pic your TBR pile?

I'm jealous, as soon as I get my hands on a book I've got to flick through it so my pile rarely gets past 5 books and book allowance causes restrictions.

GOOD LUCK with your resolution ~ hope part of it includes reviewing them all for us? ;)

LesleyW said...

Yep, that's the majority of my TBR pile.

The problem is I might manage to read 5 or 6 books a month but buy 10-15.

And yes, I should have some great reviews coming up this month. In the next week or so I have On the Prowl, Caressed by Ice, and Ill Wind to put up.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I saw Michelle Sagara West in your pile and I really need to know if it's worth buying. I'm looking forward to hearing about the books in your pile.

Naomi said...

Ha, I tell myself that every month. Doesn't work. But I salute you nonetheless.

LesleyW said...

Scooper - well spotted. Yep, that's one of the Sundered quadrology.

Naomi - if this works out I may have to do this every other month until I've made a serious inroad into that pile. Of course it also depends on whether my book buying increases significantly in October. :)

Nicole said...

Hmm. Sounds like a plan... though we all know what happens to the best of those.

I try to buy only one book a month. However, I will be getting Lover Unbound (I forget the exact release date... could it be today? Hmmm.) and I have already bought 5 books this month. See, three of them were so I can research a particular line prior to submitting a novel of my own to them, and then Borders was having a "buy 4 romance books, get the 5th free" sale, so I couldn't resist...

LesleyW said...

Nicole - Lover Unbound is released on 25th September.

And I too buy books when it's buy 2 get one free. LOL. Usually I can find two books that are part of the promotion and then struggle to find the third. But I reason to myself that it's not actually like buying three books, so it doesn't matter if I try something different and don't like it.

Day 4 and I'm not doing too bad. Except I have the feeling once I've finished Touch the Dark I'm going to want to order the next book.

Anonymous said...

There aren't any bookshops where I live! and I don't drive, whenever hubby takes me to the nearest my eyes light-up at the buy-one-get-one-half-price deals... LOL

Amazon gets me every-time too, oh I want to buy one book but if I buy three more I get free postage so....

LesleyW said...

Clare - Amazon. LOL Snap!. I always say to myself I'm actually saving money if I spend over the free postage amount 'cause then I'm not paying for postage.

Nicole said...

Yeah, so I was suffering from wishful thinking there. :)

How's the book diet going?

LesleyW said...

Nicole - Not too bad. So far there is one book I've added to my Amazon wishlist that I know I will be getting in October. After reading the Karen Chance story in On the Prowl I got her book (Touch the Dark) out of the TBR pile and read it. So I want Book 2.

This is another reason I think it might be a good idea to have a rest from book buying every other month. I don't know when I would have got round to reading the Karen Chance book if I had been buying other books. And I would have missed a treat.

And a few more days to go before Lover Unbound is released. Arrgghhh.

Day 8 - and I'm still doing okay. :)